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st: RE: uknown error: r(9611)

From   "Steichen, Thomas J." <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: uknown error: r(9611)
Date   Fri, 30 Sep 2005 10:49:44 -0400

It usually means that there is no carriage return on the last line of the ado file.

Edward F. Blackburne writes:
> I have been working on a file and this morning received an 
> error that I do not understand and Stata help has no information.
> after a program drop _all
> I called my program. Here is the results screen:
> xtpmg d.c d.pi d.y, lr(l.c pi y)
> (error occurred while loading xtpmg.ado)
> r(9611);
> Does anybody know what this means?
> I will note that I believe I have an unmatched brace in my 
> code which I am currently tracking down, but...
> FYI I am running Stata/SE 9.1 for Windows
>                  Born 15 Sep 2005

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