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Re: st: Docking and floating windows

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Docking and floating windows
Date   Sun, 26 Jun 2005 11:27:16 -0500

At 10:55 AM 6/26/2005 -0500, Dick Campbell wrote:
I can't stand the new windows system in Stata 9. With tech support's
help I got it to behave as it did in Stata 8, with the windows where I
expected them to be each time I opened Stata.  However, in the midst
of a session today, when Stata's docking/floating capabilities had supposedly
I'm not even sure what these new capabilities are or what they do (and after reading your message, I'm afraid to start experimenting so I can find out!). I just know that on mine, the windowing preferences are set to "Use docking guides" and "Enable ability to dock, undock or tab windows." It produces a layout that I think is as good or better as I had under 8.2. Of course, if windows start disappearing on me I may think differently.

Under manage preferences, there is an option for getting back to the factory settings.

Stata 9 has had a couple of updates, in case you haven't installed them yet.

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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