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st: Generating a new variable

From   Fernando Augusto Proietti <[email protected]>
To   STATA Lista Discussao <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Generating a new variable
Date   Tue, 12 Apr 2005 16:01:34 -0300

Dear all,

I have a large data set, with 15,000 observations, nested within 500
census tract. Something like that:

Census Tract    Age    Sex
1                        23       Male
1                        65       Female
1                        68       M
2                        35       F
2                        48       F
2                        56       M

I want to generate two new variables, mean age and female proportion
for each census tract. I was able to use egen and created the new
variable mean age. However, I could not figure out how to create the new

female proportion variable.

Thanks in advance,


tel;work:55-31-3248-9949 / 3248-9102
org:Dep de Medicina Preventiva e Social - UFMG
email;internet:[email protected]
title:Professor Adjunto - Epidemiologia
adr;quoted-printable:;;Faculdade de Medicina - UFMG=0D=0AAv Prof Alfredo Balena, 190;Belo Horizonte;Minas Gerais;30130-100;Brasil
fn:Fernando  Proietti

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