This may not be the cause of the problem, but have your tried -set maxvar
32766 variables is the maximum in Stata/SE.
Hope this helps,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:owner-
> [email protected]] On Behalf Of Robin Newberry
> Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 2:48 PM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: Newbie with too many variables
> All,
> So our worker's comp data are in some clunky old program (which shall
> remain nameless here). To get it into a program where I can actually
> do something with the data is a royal pain; it will only export the
> entire dataset (12 years of data) and only in a comma delimited
> format at that. And all the fields are enclosed in quotes - even the
> numeric.
> Last time I did this (once a year I go to download only the previous
> years WC data, only to remember that I can't) I think it took better
> than a month to manually clean up the data to import using a text
> editor. I'd really like to avoid that this time; in fact, I think
> last time I imported it into SAS, cleaned it up there, then sent it
> to Stata. A real roundabout way to get at my data.
> Anyhow, I've set my Stata memory at 1gig and used the command
> "insheet using "/Users/wnewber/Desktop/EXPORT.TXT", comma" to import
> it. I get a too many variables message. I forget exactly how many
> variables this dataset has - I think 200+ (most are empty place
> holders for fields we don't use).
> Any way to get this puppy in to Stata without sacrificing some small,
> hapless animal to the heathen gods?
> --
> Robin
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