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st: Creating a dummy variable that 'marks out' useless cases

From   "Clive Nicholas" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Creating a dummy variable that 'marks out' useless cases
Date   Mon, 13 Dec 2004 02:24:42 -0000 (GMT)


Exclusive to Statalist: the latest instalment of "Clive's Serendipitous
Adventures With His Unwieldy Dataset".

I'm trying to -egen-erate a dummy variable which 'marks off' cases in my
dataset which are both (1) missing on two key variables and (2) have been
already been coded 0 as duplicate cases by an -egen, tag()-ged variable
called -marker-. I want the generated variable (-mark-) to look like this:

      | pano       conch     edconch   marker    mark |
1600. |  436     2.08482    1.042244        1       1 |
1601. |  436   -2.551552   -23.68557        0       0 |
1602. |  436    1.171085   -18.44246        0       0 |
1603. |  436   -2.551552   -28.24039        0       0 |
1604. |  436    1.171085   -23.11701        0       0 |
1605. |  436    9.708897    -6.17593        0       0 |
1606. |  436    9.708897   -9.517298        0       0 |
1607. |  437   -2.786781           .        1       0 |
1608. |  437   -.6094589           .        1       0 |
1609. |  437   -12.96428           .        1       0 |
1610. |  437    1.095558           .        1       0 |
1611. |  438    7.136993    21.97673        1       1 |
1612. |  438    .5475883    5.041264        1       1 |
1613. |  438    2.488335    .6113586        1       1 |
1614. |  438   -6.498318    -11.1867        1       1 |
1615. |  438    .7604446    21.50825        1       1 |
1616. |  439    6.331062    1.482658        1       1 |
1617. |  439   -1.661823   -11.79961        1       1 |
1618. |  439    2.188976   -3.028099        1       1 |
1619. |  439   -6.502392   -17.35701        1       1 |
1620. |  439    3.512476    8.189182        1       1 |

As you can see, -mark- is 0 when _either_ -conch- or -edconch- is missing
_or_ when -marker- is 0 (or, indeed, both). I thought this would be a dead
simple task (perhaps it really is), but all the commands I've issued so
far aren't executing what I want. For example:

(1) Trying to do it in two:

    gen mark=0 if conch!=. & edconch!=. & marker==1
    recode mark .=1

(2) Trying to do it step-by-step:

    gen mark=0 if marker==0
    replace mark=0 & conch==.
    replace mark=0 if edconch==.
    replace mark=1 if marker==1
    replace mark=1 & conch!=.
    replace mark=1 if edconch!=.

(3) Using -egen- functions (admittedly, partly out of desperation):

    egen mark=eqany(conch edconch) if marker==1 & conch!=. //
    & edconch!=., values(-100/100)

Nothing I've tried has produced what was intended. If anybody has any
thoughts on this, I'd be delighted to hear from you.

CLIVE NICHOLAS        |t: 0(044)7903 397793
Politics              |e: [email protected]
Newcastle University  |

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