Your last command makes no reference to your -pos- variable
but puts all the labels at the 3 p.m. position.
I guess that you need to reissue your first command.
Ulrick Kohler has an -egen- function _gmlabvpos
on SSC.
[email protected]
Marwan Khawaja
> In version 7, I used to replace labels in a scatterplot with
> no problem -- now
> it does not seem to work.
> This used to work fine.
> twoway (scatter HOMEB URBAN, sort mlabel(ARAB_COU) mlabv(pos) ))
> replace pos= 9 if ARAB_CO=="Jordan"
> But now (version 8.2), it seems I cannot change the position
> after the command,
> twoway (scatter HOMEB URBAN, sort mlabel(ARAB_COU)
> mlabposition(3))
> Any suggestion on how to change the position of the labels
> (to make the graph
> less crowded/readable)?
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