I have downloaded a data set that is in 3 parts, all in Excel. Files 2
and 3 are data, file 1 is a list of variable names and labels. I have
transferred the data with names to Stata, but the labels are perplexing.
Here is the format of the Excel spreadsheet with the variable names
and labels:
Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E
varname varlabel divider varname varlabel
etc. etc. etc.
Columns A&B are for data set 2 and C & D for data set 3 (though this is
no problem--I can copy them into one column since the cases are
Is there a way to transfer the variable labels without doing a lot of
typing. Stata Technical Support suggested putting each variable label
into a do-file with quotation marks around each label (which I would
have to type in by hand) and then pasting:
label var varname "varlabel" for each variable.
Does anyone have a more expeditous (and less tedious) way of doing this
Ric Uslaner
[email protected]
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* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
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* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/