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st: Alternating logistic regressions

From   Constantine Daskalakis <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Alternating logistic regressions
Date   Tue, 07 Sep 2004 14:27:59 -0400

Hello all.
I am looking for implementation of GEE for repeated measures with binary outcomes, but using the odds ratio (not the correlation coefficient) as measure of association between the repeated measures. Something along the lines of alternating logistic regressions by Carey et al (1993).
A search comes up empty.
Thanks in advance,

PS I know SAS has that option. Just looking to see if there's something in Stata.

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Constantine Daskalakis, ScD
Assistant Professor,
Biostatistics Section, Thomas Jefferson University,
211 S. 9th St. #602, Philadelphia, PA 19107
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