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Re: st: Descriptive statistics as scalars

From   "Oleg Badunenko, Netscape" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Descriptive statistics as scalars
Date   Mon, 17 May 2004 18:01:15 +0200

this might help:

. summ x(t)
. scalar mean_xt = r(mean)
. scalar std_xt = r(sd)
. scalar count_ = r(N)

for other possibilities look at "return list" after "summ" routine


[email protected] wrote:

Hello all

I started using stata only about a week ago and hence pardon me for a very
basic question.

I have a variable x(t)

I want the following scalars for further analysis etc.
mx = mean(x(t))
sx = stdev(x(t))
nx = count(x(t))

How can I asssign these descriptive statistics to scalar variables?
(I can't find anything in the manual)

Thanks for the help.

--- Subh Nayak

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