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st: calamity

From   "Andreas Aschbacher" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: calamity
Date   Tue, 27 Jan 2004 11:26:14 +0100 (MET)

dear fellows !
I wrote lines between below about two weeks ago.see after ~ 
Now I was experimenting with one hump to get his parameters,let's say
{A1,M1,S1} -
I wanted to do the same as with using sigmaplot :setting constraints for
{A2M2S2} when 
I am adding the second gau�-curve : for example: A1 < 30 and the program
M2 and S2 to this constraint.
I wanted to add more parameters gradually.
Is it possible to modify code ? (344 measurements in austria are waiting)
andreas aschbacher

Dear fellows :
In austrian centre of physics we use Stata to do
LevenbergMarquardt(nl-command)since about
four months,about 400 measurements were evaluated.
we consider small (not infinitesimal) dosis-intervals and the number of
persons which is exposed
to these intervals - the following little program shows how to count the
number of persons in certain
intervals :

/pos is ln(dosis-value) because then it seems to be Gau�-distribution
without logarithmusnaturalis it is lognormal distribution -
it is easier to reach convergence with Gau�-formula in
most cases /

local i = 3
while `i' <= 20 {
        count if pos >= `i' & pos  < `i' + .05  
        local i = `i' + .05
*  3           -            3.05                ->  3.025
*  3.05      -            3.1                  ->  3.075
*  3.1        -            3.15                ->  3.125
*  3.15      -            3.2                  ->  3.175
*  3.2        -            3.25                ->  3.225
*  3.3        -            3.35                ->  3.325

this program counts and you get  also zero if there is no value in interval
with these values I can obtain the following ascii-text-file :

Ascii-Text-file :  it is called M012.txt below
x              y                       x...dosis-value in radioactive
nmeasurement    y...number of counts 
3.025    1                       ->for example  :
3.075    2                       two counts in interval 3.05  to 3.1
3.125    4
3.175    7
3.225    6
3.275    5
3.325    10
3.375    13
3.425    22
3.475    13
3.525    24
3.575    41
3.625    41
3.675    60
3.725    67
3.775    81
3.825    98
3.875    143
3.925    162
3.975    181
4.025    241
4.075    268
4.125    301
now import ascii-file and start LevenbergMarquardt(nl-command) with do
. clear

. insheet x y using "C:\DATA\Ergebnisse_5\M012.txt", tab
(2 vars, 161 obs)

. do zweiGau�_1

. capture program drop nlexample

. program nlexample
  1. version 8
  2. if "`1'" == "?" {
  3. global S_1 "A1 M1 S1 A2 M2 S2"
  4. global A1 = 446.12                
  5. global M1 = 4.34
  6. global S1 = 0.426
  7. global A2 = 28.04
  8. global M2 = 5.2
  9. global S2 = 0.94   
10. exit
 11. }
 12. replace `1' = $A1*exp(-((x-$M1)/$S1)^2) + $A2*exp(-((x-$M2)/$S2)^2) 
 13. end
*I try to find good start values with :
*gen y1 = A1*exp(-((x-M1)/S1)^2) + A2*exp(-((x-M2)/S2)^2) 
*with :integ y x and :integ y1 x    I can find good start-values very easy:
* difference of the two areas should be very small i.e. less than 0.5%
*these functions(sum of two Gau�ians) are very sensitive in convergence ->
*if I use 5.19 instead of 5.2 for M2 the algorithm does not converge !!
                       ...........      /
. nl example y x,level(95) leave eps(1e-o5) trace iterate(15000)
(obs = 161)

Iteration 0:  
           A1 =    446.12
           M1 =      4.34
           S1 =      .426
           A2 =     28.04
           M2 =       5.2
           S2 =       .94
                                         residual SS =  15304.15

Iteration 1:  
           A1 =  428.9222
           M1 =  4.343089
           S1 =  .4179389
           A2 =  30.91823
           M2 =  4.843218
           S2 =  1.243443
                                         residual SS =  13197.31


Iteration 15:  
           A1 =  392.4705
           M1 =  4.364213
           S1 =  .3863484
           A2 =  68.03155
           M2 =  4.494176
           S2 =  .9563224
                                         residual SS =  6895.428

Iteration 16:  
           A1 =  392.4681
           M1 =  4.364213
           S1 =  .3863467
           A2 =  68.03416
           M2 =  4.494168
           S2 =  .9563062
                                         residual SS =  6895.428

Iteration 17:  
           A1 =  392.4666
           M1 =  4.364213
           S1 =  .3863457
           A2 =  68.03578
           M2 =  4.494164
           S2 =  .9562961
                                         residual SS =  6895.428

      Source |       SS       df       MS                     Number of obs
=       161
-------------+------------------------------               F(  6,   155) =  
       Model |  2269985.57     6  378330.929         Prob > F      =   
    Residual |  6895.42818   155  44.4866334       R-squared     =    0.9970
-------------+------------------------------               Adj R-squared =  
       Total |     2276881   161   14142.118           Root MSE      =  
dev.     =

           y |      Coef.      Std. Err.          t         P>|t|     
          A1 |   392.4659   8.621851      45.52    0.000     375.4344   
          M1 |   4.364213   .0027606  1580.89    0.000      4.358759   
          S1 |   .3863452   .0065244      59.22    0.000     .3734571   
          A2 |   68.03646    8.93421        7.62     0.000     50.38793   
          M2 |   4.494162   .0286298    156.97     0.000     4.437607   
          S2 |   .9562918   .0576867      16.58     0.000    .8423382  

 (SEs, P values, CIs, and correlations are asymptotic approximations)

. predict myvar
(option yhat assumed; fitted values)

. twoway line y x || line myvar x
. integ y x
. integ myvar x  

Now we make background correctur based on these values.
The great hump is assumed to be background.
Just imagine y(x) as a snappy curve mostly composed of two or three humps
and myvar(x)(fitted) as clogged curve.
this method is to be enhanced furthermore.


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