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st: covariates using streg

From   "Paul E. Karner" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: covariates using streg
Date   Mon, 20 Oct 2003 09:54:03 -0400


I am trying to ascertain whether RHS variables are allowed to be time-varying in certain distributions using the 'streg' command for a survival-time dataset.  The manual seems to say that with Weibull regressions, if the 'time' option is specified (i.e. the model is run in accelerated failure time form as opposed to proportional hazard), STATA uses constant covariates.  Are covariates also treated as constant when the Gamma distribution (only implemented in STATA as accelerated failure time) is specified, or is there a way to have time-varying covariates in the Gamma models?

Perhaps an answer could be found if there is a way to view (portions of) the X matrix of regressors that were used in the model - is this possible?

Thanks to anyone that can help!


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