I think I've found a bug (bad feature?) in graph combine. I have created
graphs for each panel of a panel dataset. I used a loop to get
panel-specific reference ylines and I also forced the yscale to go through 0
on all graphs and added a reference line at y=0 to each graph. When
I -graph use- any of these graphs' .gph files, they show up just like I want
them. But when I -graph combine- any 2 or more of them, the yscale gets
redefined specific to each graph's data, ignoring the actual graphs' setting
for yscale (and the yline at 0 if 0 isn't within the redefined axes). I
see there's an option for graph combine to put all graphs on a common
yscale, but that's not what I want. I just want graph combine to respect
the actual graphs created and saved in the .gph files. Is there any way to
make this happen? Is this a bug?
Michael Blasnik
[email protected]
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