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st: RE: RE: "random" seed for uniform()

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: "random" seed for uniform()
Date   Thu, 9 Oct 2003 18:21:51 +0100

J. Michael Oakes
> >
> > -set seed- is documented under -help generate-
> >
> Thanks, I've studied it and the associated citations. I'm 
> not interested in
> wasting anyone's time. Instead I honestly don't see how the 
> examples in the
> manuals or help files answer my question. The closest (help 
> file) example I
> see is:
>     . set seed 1829382
>     . gen random = uniform()
>     . sort random
>     . local holdseed = c(seed)
>     . gen unif10 = floor(uniform()*10) + 1
>     . ... much later ...
>     . set seed `holdseed'
>     . gen same10 = floor(uniform()*10) + 1
> And this does not appear to generate a "random" or an 
> "always different"
> seed. My read of the example is that it re-uses the seed 
> saved in local
> macro `holdseed'. As far as I can tell, c(seed) yields the 
> value of seed
> 1829382. Am I missing something here too?
> Regardless, I was simply hoping a Statalister could help me out.

Mostly people want the same seed, namely _reproducible_ 

If you want _irreproducible_ results, then there is 
more than one way to do it. 

Suppose you are in a loop, running something each 

You could 

local seed = <whatever> 
forval i = 1/1000000000000000000 { 
	do myprog `seed'
	local seed = `seed' + 1 

so that each time round the loop 
the seed is incremented. Within, the first line could pick up 
the seed 

	local seed `1' 

But strictly, that's reproducible. 

So you could change the seed by adding 
amounts themselves randomised: 

local seed = <whatever> 
forval i = 1/2 { 
	do myprog `seed' 
	local seed = `seed' + ceil(1000 * uniform()) 


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