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st: psmatch and sampling weights

From   "Andres Vork" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: psmatch and sampling weights
Date   Fri, 17 Jan 2003 11:03:19 +0200


How should I take into account sampling weights when using -psmatch- command (or one-to-one matching based on a propensity score, in

I have a survey data where both treated and non-treated observations come from a larger population of unemployed people with
different sampling weights.

1) Should I use the sampling weights when estimating a propensity score (with a logit model, for example)? Should I use -svylogit-?

2) And how should I use the sampling weights when trying to generalise my results to the population?

Any hints or references to literature?
Andres Vork
PhD student in Economics

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