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st: RE: how to create groups

From   "Jiang, Tao" <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: how to create groups
Date   Tue, 24 Sep 2002 12:24:55 -0400

If the var. names are g and o, then do:

gen str10 group = g if substr(trim(upper(g)),1,5)=="GROUP"
gen str10 subgroup = "Subgroup1" if group != ""
replace group = group[_n-1] if group==""
replace subgroup = g if substr(trim(upper(g)),1,5)=="SUBGR"
replace subgroup = subgroup[_n-1] if subgroup==""

-----Original Message-----
From: Radu Ban [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 11:51 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: how to create groups

I translated an excel dataset into Stata and now it looks like this

Group1        obs1
Subgroup1    obs2
<blank>        obs3
<blank>        obs4
  .........        .........
<blank>       obsn1
Group1        obs1
Subgroup2    obs2
<blank>        obs3
...............    ........                   
 <blank>     obsn2
Groupk        obs1
Subgroupl    obs2
<blank>       obs3
<blank>       obsns

I would like to transform this into:
Group1 Subgroup1         obs1
Group1 Subgroup1         obs2
.......... ..................
Group1 Subgroup2        obs
Group1 Subgroup2        obs
Group1 Subgroup_n        obs
Group2 Subgroup_n+1    obs
Group2 Subgroup_n+1    obs

I know I could just do the changes in excel by copying and dragging
but I would like to learn how to do it in Stata.

Thanks so much,

Radu Ban

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