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Re: st: Create Timeline based on Dates

From   Lisa Wang <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Create Timeline based on Dates
Date   Tue, 30 Oct 2012 04:58:32 +1100

Dear Nick,

I did a combination of the two suggestions (dow and then also the
forward/backward time differences) and it worked brilliantly. Exactly
as I wanted!!

Thank you so much for your time and effort. You are my rescuer!

Best regards,

On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 8:18 PM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> On weekends:
> It seems that you have Mondays to Fridays only in your data, and you
> want time to run in sequence so that Monday follows Friday.
> The -dow()- function returns 1 to 5 for Mondays to Fridays. A bit of
> messing around yields a mapping to sequential "dates" that omit
> Saturdays and Sundays. (If you want another origin, you can just shift
> it.)
> Again, I need a sandpit.
> clear
> set obs 14
> gen date = mdy(10, 20, 2012) + _n
> format date %td
> gen dow = dow(date)
> . l
>      +-----------------+
>      |      date   dow |
>      |-----------------|
>   1. | 21oct2012     0 |
>   2. | 22oct2012     1 |
>   3. | 23oct2012     2 |
>   4. | 24oct2012     3 |
>   5. | 25oct2012     4 |
>      |-----------------|
>   6. | 26oct2012     5 |
>   7. | 27oct2012     6 |
>   8. | 28oct2012     0 |
>   9. | 29oct2012     1 |
>  10. | 30oct2012     2 |
>      |-----------------|
>  11. | 31oct2012     3 |
>  12. | 01nov2012     4 |
>  13. | 02nov2012     5 |
>  14. | 03nov2012     6 |
>      +-----------------+
> gen seqdate = (5 * (date - dow(date) - 2) / 7) + dow(date)
> replace seqdate = . if inlist(dow(date), 0, 6)
> . l
>      +---------------------------+
>      |      date   dow   seqdate |
>      |---------------------------|
>   1. | 21oct2012     0         . |
>   2. | 22oct2012     1     13776 |
>   3. | 23oct2012     2     13777 |
>   4. | 24oct2012     3     13778 |
>   5. | 25oct2012     4     13779 |
>      |---------------------------|
>   6. | 26oct2012     5     13780 |
>   7. | 27oct2012     6         . |
>   8. | 28oct2012     0         . |
>   9. | 29oct2012     1     13781 |
>  10. | 30oct2012     2     13782 |
>      |---------------------------|
>  11. | 31oct2012     3     13783 |
>  12. | 01nov2012     4     13784 |
>  13. | 02nov2012     5     13785 |
>  14. | 03nov2012     6         . |
> If you are now going to tell me that the schools have
> {holidays|vacations} too, then you really need a business calendar.
> On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 9:36 AM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
>> For problems like this I need a sandpit to play in. Here is one I made:
>> list, sepby(id)
>>      +-------------------+
>>      | id   date   event |
>>      |-------------------|
>>   1. |  1     13       0 |
>>   2. |  1     13       0 |
>>   3. |  1     14       1 |
>>   4. |  1     15       0 |
>>   5. |  1     17       0 |
>>   6. |  1     18       1 |
>>   7. |  1     19       0 |
>>      |-------------------|
>>   8. |  2     14       0 |
>>   9. |  2     15       0 |
>>  10. |  2     15       1 |
>>  11. |  2     17       0 |
>>  12. |  2     18       0 |
>>  13. |  2     19       1 |
>>  14. |  2     20       0 |
>>      +-------------------+
>> I see this as follows.
>> 1. There is a date looking forward, which is (present date - previous
>> event date), and is thus zero or positive
>> 1'. There is a twist on 1: There can be multiple observations with the
>> same date.
>> 2. There is a date looking backward which is (present date - next
>> event date), and is thus zero or negative
>> 2'. As 1'.
>> 3. The wanted date is the smaller in absolute value. If there is a tie
>> in absolute value, I choose the positive value.
>> 4. For dates before the first event, no previous date can be
>> identified. But this is not a problem, as the backward date will be
>> the solution for these dates.
>> 4. For dates after the last event, no next date can be identified. But
>> this is not a problem, as the forward date will be the solution for
>> these dates.
>> To get "forward dates", we just copy previous values as needed, after
>> spreading each event to all dates that are the same:
>> gen prev = date if event == 1
>> bysort id date (prev) : replace prev = prev[1] if prev[1] == 1
>> bysort id (date) : replace prev = prev[_n-1] if mi(prev)
>> gen forward = date - prev
>> To get "backward dates", we can use the trick of reversing time.
>> gen negdate = -date
>> gen next = date if event == 1
>> bysort id negdate (next) : replace next = next[1] if next[1] == 1
>> bysort id (negdate) : replace next = next[_n-1] if mi(next)
>> gen backward = date - next
>> Now can we do the comparison:
>> .
>> gen timeline = cond(abs(forward) <= abs(backward), forward, backward)
>> sort id date
>> list id date forw backw timeline, sepby(id)
>>      +-------------------------------------------+
>>      | id   date   forward   backward   timeline |
>>      |-------------------------------------------|
>>   1. |  1     13         .         -1         -1 |
>>   2. |  1     13         .         -1         -1 |
>>   3. |  1     14         0          0          0 |
>>   4. |  1     15         1         -3          1 |
>>   5. |  1     17         3         -1         -1 |
>>   6. |  1     18         0          0          0 |
>>   7. |  1     19         1          .          1 |
>>      |-------------------------------------------|
>>   8. |  2     14         .         -1         -1 |
>>   9. |  2     15         0          0          0 |
>>  10. |  2     15         0          0          0 |
>>  11. |  2     17         2         -2          2 |
>>  12. |  2     18         3         -1         -1 |
>>  13. |  2     19         0          0          0 |
>>  14. |  2     20         1          .          1 |
>>      +-------------------------------------------+
>> For the complication with weekends, Stata offers business calendars as
>> a complete solution. I have never used them.
>> On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 1:02 AM, Lisa Wang <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> I would like to create a timeline based on some event date (ie. ...-5,
>>> -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3...etc). I have different students names
>>> in a variable named "as" (column 1)  and also a set of dates (column
>>> 2) as well as another variable 'edate' (column 3) which has the event
>>> dates and . everywhere else if it didn't match with column 2. What I
>>> would like to know is how to create the timeline with the event date
>>> being 0 for each student.
>>> This is the code I have run so far:
>>> - bysort as: generate rank =_n
>>> . bysort as: generate erank = rank if date==edate
>>> . bysort as: egen erank_pop = min(erank)
>>> . bysort as: generate t = rank -erank_pop -
>>> There are three problems which have me now stuck.
>>> 1. I might have multiple observations for a particular student on the
>>> same date as well. Therefore, when I run the first line of code, it's
>>> already erroneous as Stata will treat it as being different dates. I
>>> tried also -bysort as(date): generate rank =_n - instead but it
>>> returns an error: "factor variables and time-series operators not
>>> allowed".
>>> 2. Sometimes I have multiple event dates for a particular student - I
>>> would like Stata to guess which event date the date is closer to and
>>> then do the time differences from that.
>>> 3. The dates in column 2 have all weekdays but no weekends (as the
>>> students don't need to go to school on those days), so if I do a
>>> timeline then it will skip some dates (eg. -5 then to -2,-1 etc. as a
>>> result of the weekend). How would I overcome this, so that it actually
>>> is -3,-2,-1 etc?
>>> Thank you so much. My email is a bit long but just wanted everyone to
>>> understand what I wanted to achieve.
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