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st: c(mode) with console Stata on OS X

From   Phil Schumm <[email protected]>
To   Statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: c(mode) with console Stata on OS X
Date   Sun, 1 May 2011 13:06:31 -0700

Dear Stata on OS X users,

Today I fired up an old tool chain that threw an error because c(mode) doesn't seem to exist under console Stata on OS X (and therefore code that uses this to detect whether Stata is running in batch mode didn't work). In particular, if I do

[~] pschumm% stata

. creturn list

(where stata points to or if I create a do-file containing the line

creturn list

and run it with "stata -b", in neither case does the system value c(mode) appear. It does, however, appear when running gui/windowed Stata on OS X (with a value of "", as expected). Unfortunately, I can't recall the last time I ran this code (or even the platform on which it was last run), so I can't say with certainty whether c(mode) ever existed under console Stata for OS X, but I'm pretty sure it did.

Can anyone confirm whether this is something that changed?

-- Phil

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