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Re: st: error 603 using reshape

From   Eric Booth <[email protected]>
To   "<[email protected]>" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: error 603 using reshape
Date   Mon, 16 Aug 2010 15:08:27 +0000


I think you're right that it's a memory issue. Besides increasing your memory, the best option to get around the limit might be to break your dataset up into pieces, reshape it, and then merge it together.   
 The examples below are long (no doubt others will know ways to condense this code), but show you how to break up the dataset and reshape it in pieces which (I think) will enable you to get around the memory limit issue.  You didn't mention which way you were reshaping (wide or long), so both ways are shown below:

//setup dataset//
sysuse auto, clear
recode rep78 (.=9)
egen i = group(rep78 for)
bys i: g j = _n
order i j
drop for rep78
save original.dta , replace
desc, sh  //check mem usage


//1. split dataset into smaller parts and reshape them
ds i j, not
token `"`r(varlist)'"'
**this does 2 vars at a time, you could increase it**
while "`1'"!="" {
	di "for vars:  `1' and `2'"
	u "original.dta", clear
		keep i j `1' `2'
	reshape wide `1' `2', i(i) j(j)
	save using_`1'_`2'.dta, replace
	macro shift 2  //shifts to `3' and `4', and so on

//2. merge these datasets
set obs 1
g i = .
save master.dta, replace emptyok
global files: dir "`pwd'" files "using*", respectcase
di `"$files"'
token `"$files"'
while "`1'"!="" {
	u master.dta, clear
	merge 1:1 i  using "`1'"
		drop if _m==1
		drop _m
	desc, sh  //check mem usage
	save master.dta, replace
	cap erase "`1'"  //you don't need these
	macro shift
save reshaped_wide.dta, replace	
desc, sh  //check mem usage

u reshaped_wide.dta, clear
desc, sh  //check mem usage

//1. split dataset into smaller parts and reshape them
ds i , not
local vars `r(varlist)'
di `"`vars'"'
**remove numbers and duplicates from list**
numlist  "0(1)9"
local nonum `vars'
foreach n in   `r(numlist)'  {
   local nonum: subinstr local nonum "`n'" "", all
	local nonum:list uniq local(nonum)
di `"`nonum'"'  //this is our varlist for reshaping

token `"`nonum'"'
while "`1'"!="" {
	di "for stubs:  `1' and `2'"
	u "reshaped_wide.dta", clear
		keep i  `1'*  `2'*
	reshape long `1' `2', i(i) j(j)
	save forappend_`1'_`2'.dta, replace
	macro shift 2  //shifts to `3' and `4', and so on

//2. merge these datasets
set obs 1
g i = .
g j = .
save master2.dta, replace emptyok
global files: dir "`pwd'" files "forappend*", respectcase
di `"$files"'
token `"$files"'
while "`1'"!="" {
	u master2.dta, clear
	merge 1:1 i j using "`1'"
		drop if _m==1
		drop _m	
		desc, sh  //check mem usage
	save master2.dta, replace
	cap erase "`1'"   //you don't need these
	macro shift
ds i j, not
local vl `r(varlist)'
local vl: subinstr local vl " " ", ", all
di "`vl'"
drop if mi(`vl')
save reshaped_long.dta, replace	
desc, sh  //check mem usage

//compare original and reshape long data//
cf _all using original.dta, a v 
~ Eric

Eric A. Booth
Public Policy Research Institute
Texas A&M University
[email protected]
Office: +979.845.6754

On Aug 16, 2010, at 8:53 AM, Harry Comber wrote:

> I get an intermittent error 603 when using the reshape wide command in Windows XP. This seems more likely to happen if the dataset is larger, but sometimes the command will run if I try it again on the same data. I am guessing that this may be happening because the system runs out of memory, but I have no more memory available (600Mb). Is there any way around this? The dataset has 355K obs and is about 12Mb, with 5 "j" values. I have compressed the data and reduced the number of variables to a minimum.
> Harry Comber
> National Cancer Registry (
> Building 6800
> Cork Airport Business Park
> Kinsale Road
> Cork.
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> Email: [email protected]
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