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Re: st: Bug in STATA do-file editor?

From   Hua Peng <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Bug in STATA do-file editor?
Date   Fri, 05 Mar 2010 10:18:28 -0600

Morgan A. Marks <[email protected]> reported a problem executing
some lines of code from the Do-file Editor:

> So, I am running a rather long piece of STATA code using the do-file
> editor in STATA 11 and I noticed that when I execute the entire code
> either quietly or not quietly, some lines of my program don't seem to
> be recognized by STATA and simply not run.
> I can go back and select the line of code and execute it and it runs
> perfectly.
> Has anyone ever experienced this problem?
> Any help or thoughts would be most appreciated.

This is the first time we have heard of this problem. Morgan should contact
Stata technical support at <[email protected]> to get the problem
resolved. Please include the do file and indicate the lines which are
not being recognized by Stata. It will also be helpful for solving the
problem if Morgan would include the output of the -about- command in Stata.

   [email protected]

On 3/5/2010 8:12 AM, Marks, Morgan A. wrote:
So, I am running a rather long piece of STATA code using the do-file editor in STATA 11 and I noticed that when I execute the entire code either quietly or not quietly, some lines of my program don't seem to be recognized by STATA and simply not run.

I can go back and select the line of code and execute it and it runs perfectly.

Has anyone ever experienced this problem?

Any help or thoughts would be most appreciated.

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