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st: graphing normally distributed variables

From   "victor michael zammit" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: graphing normally distributed variables
Date   Wed, 30 Jul 2003 00:42:39 +0200

Dear Statalist,
What I am trying to do here,is to take any normally distributed variable
,that is to say ,with any mean and standard deviation ,and disect it into 50
equal intervals (bins) ,and then compare the two distributions.I would
appreciate any comments on how this could be done differently :

capture program drop bins
program define bins
local q = `1' - (4* `2')
local r = `1' + (4* `2')
local s = `r' - `q'
local t = `s'/50
local u = `q' + `t'
local v = `r'- `t'
local y = 1
set obs 10000
gen b = .
gen a = `1' + `2' * invnorm(uniform())
while `q'<= `v'  {
while `u'<= `r' {
while `y'<= 50  {
count if a > `q' & a<= `u'
replace b = r(N) in `y'
local q = `q' + `t'
local u = `u' + `t'
local y = `y' + 1
gen ab = _n
save bins`3',replace
graph a, bin(50)
graph b ab , connect(ll)
bins 1232  456 1
bins 5643 289 2
bins 34 8 3
bins 0 1 4
bins -786 231 5

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