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st: hascons option with xtmixed?

From   "Jacki Buros" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: hascons option with xtmixed?
Date   Mon, 30 Apr 2007 20:55:34 -0400

Hi Statalisters,

I'm wondering if anyone knows why there is no -hascons- option for
xtmixed, analogous to the one provided for -regress-.

Up until now I've been using -nocons- (and ignoring the reported wald
chi2 and model degrees of freedom) when specifying an xtmixed model in
which I provide a constant term. If I need these I simply specify the
same model using different terms to get them.

Is this a bad idea? I have found that, with Stata, there tends to be a
good reason for this type of thing. Any insight would be most

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