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Re: st: updated version of -lookfor_all- is available from SSC

From   "Austin Nichols" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: updated version of -lookfor_all- is available from SSC
Date   Mon, 5 Feb 2007 13:39:07 -0500

I haven't downloaded or tried  -lookfor_all- but I had a look at the
code, and it seems to me that the line
 quietly capture use "`file'"
could be
 quietly capture use "`file'" in 1
since you only need the first observation to load labels and variable
names, if no call to -codebook- is called for, thus much reducing the
need for memory (you could add another -use- to load all data only
-if- `codebook' is specified).  You could also add an option to
-preserve- the data in memory.

On 2/5/07, Zurab Sajaia <[email protected]> wrote:
Thanks you Kit Baum, updated version of -lookfor_all- is available from SSC

There was a bug found in the program. The problem was that -lookfor_all-
skipped data files of size bigger then memory allocated to the data area,
without issuing any warning message. As a result the program failed to find
variables/labels matching the pattern in big files.

You can download the corrected version by typing;

adoupdate lookfor_all, update; or
ssc install lookfor_all, replace.

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