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st: RE: rename individual columns/rows of a matrix

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: rename individual columns/rows of a matrix
Date   Fri, 17 Nov 2006 19:34:36 -0000

I think whatever you do will end in something like 

matrix rownames ... = ... 


matrix colnames ... = ... 

where the RHS includes the new names. This is adoable, 
as I understand it. The question is whether the result
is any less awkward than doing it directly. Here is one stab, 
not tested much. 

-------------------------------------------- matrcrename.ado 
// NJC 1.0.0 17 November 2006 
// matrix row_or_column rename 
program matrcrename 
	version 8 
	// syntax matrixname row_or_col which_row_or_col new_name 

	// matrix name 
	gettoken matrix 0 : 0 
	confirm matrix `matrix' 

	// row or column 
	gettoken which 0 : 0 
	local length = length("`which'") 
	if lower("`which'") == substr("row",1,`length') { 
		local which row 
	else if lower("`which'") == substr("column",1,`length') { 
		local which col
	else { 
		di as err "second argument should specify row or column" 
		exit 198 

	// which row or column 
	gettoken where newname : 0 
	if "`which'" == "row" { 
		capture local found = inrange(`where', 1, rowsof(`matrix'))
		if _rc { 
			di as err "inappropriate row number?"
			exit 498 
		if !`found' { 
			di as err "row out of range" 
			exit 498 
	else { 
		capture local found = inrange(`where', 1, colsof(`matrix')) 
		if _rc { 
			di as err "inappropriate column number?"
			exit 498 
		if !`found' { 
			di as err "column out of range" 
			exit 498 

	// test newname 
	tempname moo 
	matrix `moo' = J(1,1,1) 
	capture matrix rownames `moo' = `newname' 
	if _rc { 
		local what = cond("`which'" == "col", "column", "row") 
		di as err "inappropriate `what' name?" 
		exit 498

	// in business! 
	local names : `which'names `matrix' 
	tokenize `names'
	local `where' `newname' 
	local newnames "`*'" 
	matrix `which'names `matrix' = `newnames' 

. mat li z

symmetric z[3,3]
   X  Y  Z
a  1
b  1  1
c  1  1  1

. matrcrename z row 3 Stata

. mat li z

symmetric z[3,3]
       X  Y  Z
    a  1
    b  1  1
Stata  1  1  1

. matrcrename z col 4 SAS
column out of range

. matrcrename z col 3 Some Alternative Software
inappropriate column name?

. matrcrename frog col 3 toad
matrix frog not found


[email protected] 

Daniel Stegmueller
> is there a quick way to change individual columns or rows of a matrix?
> The 'matrix rownames' command is not useful, since I want to use a
> loop to rename rows and columns step-by step.

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