Thanks to Kit Baum, a new package called -esto-
is available from the SSC Archive.
-esto- stores a quick copy of the active estimation
results for later tabulation (see example below).
-esto- is an alternative to official Stata's
-estimates store-. The main differences are:
o -esto- does not require the user to specify a name
for the stored estimates.
o By default, -esto- does not store the e(sample)
function. This conserves memory and also speeds up
tabulation programs such as -estimates table- or
-estout-. (A drawback is that some post-estimation
commands may not be applicable to the stored
estimates. Use -esto, esample- if you intend to
apply such post-estimation commands.)
o -esto- may be used as a prefix command (e.g.
-esto: regress y x-).
o Additional (scalar) results may be added to the
estimates while storing them.
To install the package, type
. ssc install esto
-esto- is compatible with Stata 8.2 or newer.
Hope you like it,
. sysuse auto
(1978 Automobile Data)
. esto: quietly regress price weight
(est1 stored)
. esto: quietly regress price weight foreign
(est2 stored)
. estimates table *
Variable | est1 est2
weight | 2.0440626 3.3207368
foreign | 3637.0013
_cons | -6.7073534 -4942.844
* For searches and help try: