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Re: st: Generating lagged variables in an otherwise static panel data set

From   "Michael S. Hanson" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Generating lagged variables in an otherwise static panel data set
Date   Tue, 12 Sep 2006 12:47:48 -0400

On Sep 12, 2006, at 12:26 PM, Jason Yackee wrote:

I've always - tsset - my dynamic panel datasets. I don't see - xtset- in
my Version 9 xt manual, or in my Version 8 basic documentation. Is
there any practical difference between -tsset- and -xtset- besides that
-tsset- doesn't require multiple panels and that -xtset- doesn't require
multiple time periods?
As I understand it, there is no practical difference between -tsset- and -xtset- currently. (If that turns out to be incorrect, I'm sure someone else will pipe in.) -xtset- was introduced in an update to Stata 9, hence it is not in your [XT] manual if it's an early printing. -help xtset- will provide more information. Search -help whatsnew- for -xtset- to can learn a little about the story behind its introduction.

Hope this helps.

-- Mike

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