Dear all:
I would like to use the new version of Ineqdeco to
write a program for the dynamic decomposition of the
GE(0) measure. however, i have two problems.
First, i have trouble retrieving subgroup-level
i am trying the code given below but it is not
capturing the r(ge0_k) results.
Second, using the Mookherjee and Shorrocks formulation
of the decomposition, I can see a need for all the
subgroup components except the subgroup sum of
I wondered if this is needed for the decomposition, or
is given for another purpose.
Thank you in advance.
egen var=group(comu)
levels7 var, local (S)
ineqdeco hhed [w=expc] if year==1992, by (var)
tempvar GE92 popsh92 relmean92 incsh92 loginc92 GE03
popsh03 relmean03 incsh03 loginc03 weight92 weight03
lnlambda92 lnlambda03
foreach r of local S {
replace GE92=r(ge0_r) if var==`r'
replace popsh92 = r(v_r) if var==`r'
replace relmean92=r(lambda_r) if var==`r'
replace incsh92=r(theta_r) if var==`r'
replace loginc92=r(lgmean_r) if var==`r'
replace weight92=r(sumw_r) if var==`r'
replace lnlambda92=ln(relmean92) if var==`r'
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