Roy Wada
I wanted to thank you for the response to my post. I have to confess I am still a bit confused. After receiving your comments I removed the -aweights- and still obtained different Beta coefficients from OLS and the Outreg2 command.
----- Original Message -----
From: roy wada <[email protected]>
Date: Friday, August 25, 2006 11:11 am
Subject: st: Outreg2 beta versus OLS beta
> This is a repost with a correct subject line. My apologies.
> James wants to know about beta coefficients and outreg2.
> Standardized beta coefficients can be obtained by first
> standardizing all
> variables to a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. Or you can
> deflate each estiamted coefficient by its standard error of its variable after the
> estimation, which is what outreg2 does. James is using analytic
> weights(see, which
> alters that relationship. I am assuming that Stata is applying the
> betatransformation prior to applying the analytic weights, but the
> applicationof analytic weight would likely cause it to violate the
> beta condition of
> zero means and unitary standard deviation - which is probably
> responsiblefor the discrepancy. It would be more meaningful if the
> analytic weights
> were first applied (by hand, if necessary) and then the beta
> transformationis conducted. In that case you would have true beta
> coefficients.
> Roy
> *******
> From: James J Walters <[email protected]>
> Subject: st: Outreg2 beta versus OLS beta
> The calculation of standardized coefficients using OLS yields one
> set of
> beta values in place of the confidence intervals. The Outreg2
> command yields
> somewhat different values even when derived from the stored values
> of OLS
> with the beta option. I am using -aweights- so the -listcoef- has
> not been
> helpful interpreting why these values are different. I will
> appreciate
> someone pointing me in the right direction.
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