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Re: st: Mata - what comes after -st_addvar-?

From   [email protected] (William Gould, Stata)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Mata - what comes after -st_addvar-?
Date   Tue, 05 Sep 2006 08:24:15 -0500

Danielle <[email protected]> wrote,

> Suppose I have a columnvector in Mata. I know I can use -st_addvar- to add a
> variable to the Stata dataset. But how do I fill in the values of that
> variable with the values of the Mata columnvector? (By now, I have pored
> through the manual, and I canno t find a reference to this!) Thanks,
> Danielle

You use -st_store()- and I apologize that, in the Also See in 
[M-5] st_addvar(), that was not mentioned.

Let's use the auto data,

        . sysuse auto, clear 

The auto data has 74 observations, so let's create a 74 x 1 vector and 
then use -st_addvar()- to create new variable -example- in the Stata 

        . mata 

        : x = J(74, 1, 2)

        : st_addvar("float", "example")

        : st_store(., "example", x)

        : end

        . describe
        <output shows now variable example>

        . list 
        <output shows new variable example contains 2 in every observation>

-- Bill
[email protected]
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