Do you mean something like this:
sysuse auto,clear
gen time = _n
tsset fore time
sort fore time
gen max_mpg = mpg
replace max = max(l.mpg, l.max ,max)
or just:
egen max2 = max(mpg), by(fore)
Note: The expression "l0.x&l1.x&l3.x" is a logical operation that
will return 1 if it is true - it will interpret any nonzero values as
true and zero as false. See [U] 13 Functions and expressions.
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas <[email protected]>
Date: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 6:19 am
Subject: st: generate max of past values
To: [email protected]
> Dear all,
> I am trying to get the maximum of all past or present values, i.e.
> x[i] = max x[j, j<=i]
> I tried the following commands:
> bysort id (yr): egen x1 = max(l0.x&l1.x&l3.x), which returns 1
> instead
> of the max,
> and
> bysort id (yr): egen x1 = max(l(0/3).x), which produces an error.
> Any idea on how to do this correctly?
> Many thanks,
> Thomas
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