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Re: st: interaction term in probit (inteff problem)
Richard Williams <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: interaction term in probit (inteff problem)
Thu, 22 Jun 2006 17:22:24 -0500
At 04:02 PM 6/22/2006, Kai-Wen Cheng wrote:
Extraneous space in this file name, maybe? U:\Data\ g_n_5499g2? Or
a missing space in savegraph2?Dear all,
I apply the inteff command and followed the suggested commands in Norton,
Wang, Ai, the Stata JOurnal 2004, 4(2).
Some errors occur, but I don't know how to deal with.
I use year dummy, college dummy and interaction term of year and
college(c_1954) in the regression. I followed the suggrestions in the
paper but it shows "invalid documents"...I don't know what goes wrong?
. inteff knowlung year college c_1954 male white age,
savedata(U:\Data\g_n_5499_i, replace) save graph1 (U:\Data\g_n_5499g1,
replace) savegraph2 (U:\Data\ g_n_5499g2, replace)
Probit with two dummy variables interacted
invalid 'Documents'
Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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