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st: outreg2 + anova = error

From   "Porter, Burt" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: outreg2 + anova = error
Date   Wed, 21 Jun 2006 17:38:32 -0500

When using outreg2 following anova I receive the following error

     option nolabel not allowed

Browsing outreg2.ado I find the following code:

	* nolabels for anova and fracpoly
	if ("`cmd'"=="anova" | `fracpol' | "`cmd'"=="nl") {
		/* e(fp_cmd)!=. means fracpoly */
		 local cons "nolabel"

However, I do not understand why this causes the error I am receiving.
Any help would be much appreciated.

 R. Burt Porter
 Iowa State University

 Email:          [email protected] 


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