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st: RE: Retrieving & displaying s-class macros w/out using -macro list-?

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Retrieving & displaying s-class macros w/out using -macro list-?
Date   Fri, 16 Jun 2006 16:22:50 +0100

This isn't correct. 

-pbis- was written for Stata 3.0, long before
s-class was added to Stata. 

What Clint is misunderstanding is that -pbis- 
leaves behind global macros with names S_1 ... S_7. 

s-class things have names like s(stuff). 

These globals should be displayed using a command like

di $S_1 


di %5.3f $S_1 

[email protected] 

[email protected]

> I am using S/E, 9.1 for Mac.
> I understand how to retrieve and use (sort of) macros saved 
> as r-class,
> but if I want to retrieve and display a macro saved as s-class, i am
> unable (or so it seems) to call the macro via something akin to
> display "p-value = " %7.4f `r(p)'
> I am using the user-written command, -pbis- (point biserial 
> correlation),
> and the results I want (t-statistic & correlation 
> coefficient) are saved
> as s-class.  Any suggestions on how to retrieve these values 
> w/out using
> -macro list-??
> A cursory search of the StataList archives, as well as a 
> brief review of
> the -macro- section in the print documentation did not yield anything
> immediately obvious...

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