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RE: st: Re: reshape when the stub is at the beginning of the variables

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Re: reshape when the stub is at the beginning of the variables
Date   Wed, 26 Apr 2006 12:34:03 +0100

Various suggestions were made in this thread. In 
general, use of -reshape-'s advanced syntax seems
most direct to me. But renaming solutions are 
of interest for many other problems and I will
focus on those. 

Using -renpfix- is not a good solution. 
Here the prefix is variable, not constant. 
That is, within 


the prefix is variously A B C. 

So -renpfix- offers no advantage over
one by one -rename-s in this instance. 

Another solution is 

foreach v of var *SMOK { 
	local pre = substr("`v'",1,index("`v'", "SMOK")-1) 
	rename `v' SMOK`pre'

For who prefer the user-written -renvars- from the SJ, 
a solution is possible in the same spirit

renvars *SMOK, map("SMOK" + substr("@",1,index("@","SMOK")-1))


foreach v of var *SMOK { 
	local pre : subinstr local v "SMOK" "" 
	rename `v' SMOK`pre' 

with again a -renvars- analog, something like this: 

renvars *SMOK, map("SMOK" + `"`: subinstr local v "SMOK" ""'"') 

Tricky, but it can be done! I prefer 

foreach v of var *SMOK { 
	local pre : subinstr local v "SMOK" "" 
	rename `v' SMOK`pre' 

to using -renvars- in this case. 

[email protected] 

Paul Millar
> Another approach might be to use the renpfix command, which 
> renames (or removes the prefix) see -whelp renpfix-
> Once the prefix is removed it is easy to reshape.

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