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st: Making a unique log file

From   "Donald Spady" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Making a unique log file
Date   Tue, 25 Apr 2006 15:21:38 -0600

I want to make a command log file using cmdlog, but I want it to be unique
every time I begin Stata.  Right now my command is

cmdlog using "D:\statalogs\comlog",append

I want it to read something like
Cmdlog using "D:\statalogs\comlog"+"$S_DATE" 

or some other unique identifier but every time I try it, the program aborts
when it gets to the '+' sign.  Can someone please tell me how to get this to

Many thanks in advance.

Donald W Spady MD, MSc
Departments of Pediatrics and Public Health Sciences
8226B, Aberhart Centre 1
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta,
T6G 2J3

780-407-1244: Office
780-407-7136: FAX

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