From | "R.E. De Hoyos" <[email protected]> |
To | <[email protected]> |
Subject | st: Re: nested logit with only individual characteristics |
Date | Wed, 21 Dec 2005 20:02:58 -0000 |
Dear Listers,
I am trying to estimate a nested logit with data that has only indivudual characteristics.
I have a data set of 291 households with househoold characteristics and their poverty statsu in two period.
The dependent variable is 1=poor and 0=non poor for both years. I want to estimate the probaliity of being poor in the secons period given the povery status of the first period.
The tree structure is as follows:
pooryr1 (pooryr2, nonpooryr2)
Nonpooryr1(pooryr2, nonpooryr2)
The household characteristics include rnd1qno ageh hhize landarea children etc
the group variable is rnd1qno
I do not know how I should set the command since I do not have any choice related independent variables
Please help
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