-mrunning- allows a smoothing wrt several predictors.
. search mrunning
SJ-5-3 gr0017 . . . . . . . . . . . . . A multivariable scatterplot smoother
(help mrunning, running if installed) . . . . P. Royston and N. J. Cox
Q3/05 SJ 5(3):405--412
presents an extension to running for use in a
multivariable context
[email protected]
austin nichols
> Sorry to mislead you--only one x var is allowed by -locpoly-, and
> -kernreg-, too. In principle, there is nothing to stop you building
> your own kernel regression command that will do any kind of regression
> model at each point (i.e. putting more variables on the RHS). But I'm
> surprised -locpoly- can't handle it--perhaps one of its authors will
> explain--maybe the C code in the plugin is not conducive to additional
> x vars? You can write your own .ado file, but it will much much
> slower than locpoly could have been...
austin nichols
> > findit locpoly
> > Is it possible to use control variables in a locally smoothed
> > > (nonparametric) regression?
> > >
> > > P.S. my command looks like this.
> > > lowess healthdummy lowessequiv1000, bwidth(0.6)
> ytitle(Probability of
> > > Being in Good Health) xtitle(Income (Simulated and
> Adjusted for Family
> > > Size)) title(Lowess Smoothed Regression of Income on
> Probabiltiy of
> > > Good Health) by(male)
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* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
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