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Re: st: correcting overdispersion in xtpoisson

From   Joseph Coveney <[email protected]>
To   Statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: correcting overdispersion in xtpoisson
Date   Fri, 16 Dec 2005 21:30:04 +0900

Pierre Azoulay wrote:

I am no expert on gllam, but I ran side by side what you propose and
xtpoisson accident op_75_79 co_65_69 co_70_74 co_75_79, ///
 fe i(ship) offset(ln_service) irr

I get coefficient estimates that are close, but not the same.

If I type

xtpoisson accident op_75_79 co_65_69 co_70_74 co_75_79, ///
 re i(ship) offset(ln_service) irr

Then I get close to the results given by gllam. So I have one
question: can you get gllam to estimate a fixed effects specification
rather than a random effects one?


Your first model is conditional fixed effects, which wouldn't be matched by
what -gllamm- gave.  Your second is the similar to what I had -gllamm- do,
but I believe -xtpoisson- uses a gamma distribution and not normal
distribution for the random effect by default, so it won't match exactly,
either.  You might get even closer to what -gllamm- gave if you opted
for -xtpoisson , . . . re normal intmethod(aghermite) intepoints(8)-,
instead.  Note that even then, there would be the -robust- option difference
between the two.

I'm not aware of -gllamm- being used to fit conditional fixed effects

Joseph Coveney 

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