Pierre Azoulay wrote (excerpted):
. . . Remember, also, that poisson (without xt) can spew out robust standard
errors. . . . However, the robust option is not available for
xtpoisson...if the Gods of Stata hear me, maybe that option will be
implemented in an update. For everyone working with publication and patent
data, this would be a life changing event!
Wouldn't -gllamm , . . . family(poisson) link(log) robust- work?
Joseph Coveney
use http://www.stata-press.com/data/r9/ships.dta, clear
generate float ln_service = ln(service)
gllamm accident op_75_79 co_65_69 co_70_74 co_75_79, ///
i(ship) family(poisson) link(log) offset(ln_service) ///
robust adapt eform nolog
// cf. XT uxer's manual, p. 243
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