I have a follow up question from the other day. I now have a LOS
variable I'm very happy with, but now I want to tell Stata to create a
marker when LOS is closest to 6 months (182 days but with a range from
122 - 272 days) for an observation and only if that observation is a
quarterly or significant change assessment.
At the moment my data looks like this and I want to create the "marker"
id aa8a target mth6_fu los marker
1 adm assess 07may2003 . 0 .
1 quart review 20jul2003 . 74 .
1 quart review 12oct2003 1 158 1
1 quart review 04jan2004 1 242 .
1 ann assess 28mar2004 . 326 .
2 adm assess 16oct2000 . 0 .
2 sig change 25mar2001 1 160 1
2 dis - NO ant ret 28mar2001 . 163 .
3 adm assess 17oct2000 . 0 .
3 quart review 09jan2001 . 84 .
3 dis - ant ret 14feb2001 . 120 .
3 quart review 02apr2001 1 167 1
3 dis - NO ant ret 14may2001 . 209 .
4 adm assess 02feb2003 . 0 .
4 quart review 21apr2003 . 78 .
4 quart review 07jul2003 1 155 1
4 sig change 21sep2003 1 231 .
4 ann assess 07dec2003 . 308 .
The rules for creating this variable are if there are 2 assessments I
would prefer the quarterly if it is a choice between a quarterly and a
significant change assessment, if there are two and they are the same
type of assessment I want the one closest to 182 days. I've tried
creating all sorts of variables to help me, but I still can't quite get
at what I want. Any help would be greatly appreciated and any references
to data management with panel data would also be really helpful!
Thank you in advance.
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Cox
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 10:37 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: RE: Generating unique admission id
A unique admission id is
bysort resident (time) :
gen adm_id = sum(inlist(aa8a, "adm asses", "reentry"))
Then los sounds like
bysort resident adm_id (time) :
gen los = time - time[1]
[email protected]
Kallimanis, Bellinda
> I have a data manipulation question. I have a large data set (panel
> format) and I am trying to calculate length of stay for each
> individual.
> The thing is many individuals come in (adm asses) and stay then leave
> (disch) then come back. But to complicate it more, some people leave
> with anticipated return (dis_ret) then come back (reentry) and some
> people are admitted and have follow up but have not been discharged.
> What I would like to do is create a variable that has LOS for each
> separate admission. Below is a sample of my data
> resident target aa8a LOS (what I want to
> create)
> 1 30sep2001 adm asses 0
> 1 10oct2001 disch 10
> 1 18nov2002 adm asses 0
> 1 22nov2002 disch 4
> 1 18jul2004 adm asses 0
> 1 28jul2004 disch 10
> 2 07may2003 adm asses 0
> 2 20jul2003 quart review 74
> 2 12oct2003 quart review 158
> 2 04jan2004 quart review 242
> 2 28mar2004 ann asses 326
> 2 20jun2004 quart review 410
> 2 12sep2004 quart review 494
> 3 15oct2000 adm asses 0
> 3 23oct2000 dis_ret 8
> 3 25oct2000 reentry 0
> 3 22nov2000 disch 28
> 4 17oct2000 adm asses 0
> 4 01nov2000 disch 15
> 5 15oct2000 adm asses 0
> 5 22nov2000 disch 38
> I created a flag for any type of discharge and I think if I create a
> unique id for each admission that I would be able to
> calculate the LOS.
> I'm just not sure how to get this admission id or whether there is
> another way I could do this.
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