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RE: st: SAS equivalent command

From   Dan Blanchette <[email protected]>
To   [email protected], [email protected]
Subject   RE: st: SAS equivalent command
Date   Fri, 9 Dec 2005 11:12:40 -0500 (EST)

it is following this step that your suggestion confused me. it does not make sense to simply concatenate three zero's onto var_logit in bi_meta.dta dataset and without SAS i cannot try to emulate the codes to visualise the SAS routines and adapt it for Stata.
Yeah, that didn't make sense to me either. My explanation of the SAS code was a direct translation so
whoever wrote the SAS code either intended to create 3 observations or accidentally pasted in the code
2 extra times.

data bi_meta;
set meta;

/* creating the record for logit sensitivity */
dis = 1; non_dis = 0;
logit = log_sens; var_logit = var_log_sens;

/* variable rec uniquely identifies each record */
/* writes the record holding sensitivity to the new dataset */

/* creating the record for logit sprecificity */
dis = 0; non_dis = 1;
logit = log_spec; var_logit = var_log_spec;
rec=1; output;

The above code creates 2 obs for every obs in the meta dataset. It's key to know that in SAS
one observation is run through the data step (from "data bi_meta;" to "run;") before the next
observation is processed. This concept hurts the Stata minded user since Stata processes all
observations before going on to the next command. You can emulate SAS by doing by-command
programming in Stata:


(there are more effecient ways to do this, but I hope my example is understandable)

// initialize new vars
gen dis = .
gen non_dis = .
gen logit = .
gen var_logit = .
gen rec = .

// create an id variable based on the observation number "_n" so that you can do by-command programming
gen id = _n

// move this var to the front just for aethetics
order id

// now make 2 observations for every observation
expand 2

// Since Stata puts the new obs at the end, sort them back into order
sort id

// "if _n == 1" controls which of the 2 obs per group are being affected
by id: replace dis = 1 if _n == 1
by id: replace non_dis = 0 if _n == 1
by id: replace logit = log_sens if _n == 1
by id: replace var_logit = var_log_sens if _n == 1
by id: replace rec=1 if _n == 1

// now do the 2nd obs per group
by id: replace dis = 0 if _n == 2
by id: replace non_dis = 1 if _n == 2
by id: replace logit = log_spec if _n == 2
by id: replace var_logit = var_log_spec if _n == 2
by id: replace rec=1 if _n == 2

// you don't need this id variable drop id


I really hope you are not having to translate bad SAS code.

Dan Blanchette

ITS Research Computing Group
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
[email protected]

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