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st: sktest interpretation

From   "M. Haider Hussain" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: sktest interpretation
Date   Wed, 7 Dec 2005 12:12:24 +0500

Dear Stata Users

Sorry for such a novice-level question.

I ran an ols regression with 15 estimators and 14831 observations. In
this process, 437 missing values were generated. Then I tested
normality of the residual using sktest and it returned following

Variable |  Pr(Skewness)   Pr(Kurtosis)  adj chi2(2)    Prob>chi2
    ewhe |        0.000             0.000               .                .

whereas, sktest with noadjust option returned the following output

Variable |  Pr(Skewness)   Pr(Kurtosis)  adj chi2(2)    Prob>chi2
    ewhe |        0.000             0.000           3693.33       0.0000

Where're the statistics of chi2 in the first instance? Does it mean
that sktest (without no adjust) is sensitive to the missing values?
Can I use jb test with 14000+ observations? If not than what other
"quantitative" tests are available?
(Or am I misinterpreting something?)

Thank you very much in advance

-Haider Hussain

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