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Re: Before you post: a reminder

From   Rafal Raciborski <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: Before you post: a reminder
Date   Mon, 05 Dec 2005 18:50:53 -0500

I may note that Statalist is very cultured and polished as compared to, let's say, the R-help list where you may hear an occasional "rtfm." While I am not in favor of applying this policy to Statalist, some postings do abuse/take advantage of the generosity of its members.

Quoting Nick Cox <[email protected]>:

The Statalist FAQ has long carried this advice at

1. Before you post

Before posting, consider other ways of finding information:

the manual

the online -help- for Stata

-search- can tell you about all built-in Stata commands, all
ado-files published in Stata Technical Bulletins or the Stata
Journal, and all FAQs on the Stata web site,
-findit- can tell you about not only all of the above, but also
about user-written Stata programs available on the Internet.

your local Stata expert or technical support person

past issues of the Stata Technical Bulletin or Stata Journal,
if accessible

the authors of user-written ado-files (who usually have email
addresses, but are not always members of Statalist)

Stata technical support, if it is really a question for them

[email protected]

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Rafal Raciborski
Graduate student
Department of Political Science
Emory University
301 Tarbutton Hall
1555 Dickey Drive Atlanta, GA 30322
404-378-9826 (home)
[email protected]

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