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st: Tab4ways

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Tab4ways
Date   Sun, 04 Dec 2005 23:26:50 +0100

Dear Statalist 
I have a categorical variable -catt (6 categories)- that identifies a group of different hospitals and  I have the single denomination of each hospital, as well.
I would like to create a table where row are the Hospital denomination, but sorted  for -catt.
Public Hospital
         Hospital 1
         Hospital 2
Private Hospital
          Hospital 3
          Hospital 4

The question is really more complicated since I would calculate in each cell the absolute freqency and percentage of a third variable with a supercol (so I can't  use -table) and I would not want to split the table in different tables using - bysort.
Any suggestions?
Paolo Grillo, MD
EPOCA Research Center for Occupational, Clinical & Environmental Epidemiology
Department of Occupational and Environmental Health "Clinica L. Devoto"
University of Milan
Via San Barnaba 8
20122 Milano - ITALY
Tel: +39 02 503-20148
Fax: +39 02 503-20126
E-Mail [email protected]
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