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Re: st: problem with -bca- option with bootstrapping a user-written program

From   [email protected] (Jeff Pitblado, StataCorp LP)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: problem with -bca- option with bootstrapping a user-written program
Date   Fri, 02 Dec 2005 13:12:53 -0600

Smith, Paul Bradley <[email protected]> is having trouble using the -bca-
of -bootstrap- with his program -myDifference-:

> I have a user written program that computes the difference between two
> mean survival times.  It's been running quite well in a variety of
> incarnations.  Today I decided to add the -bca- option to the
> -bootstrap- command, but it bombs.
> 	. bootstrap r(difference), nodrop reps(200) bca : myDifference
> 	(running myDifference on estimation sample)
> 	last estimates not found
> 	r(301);
> I searched StataList and found a late October reference to a bug in
> bootstrap, so I updated my ADO files but still get the same problem.
> I'm guessing that this has something to do with my user-written program
> being unfriendly to jknife.  Anyone have any suggestions that might
> enable the -bca- option?

Paul has discovered a bug in -jackknife- that tries to replay results when
supplied with a command that has no arguments.  We have a fix that will be
available in the next ado-file update.  In the mean time, Paul can add an
argument to his call to -myDifference- such as

	. bootstrap r(difference), nodrop reps(200) bca : myDifference 0

Given his definition of -myDifference-, the '0' will be ignored but has the
effect of making it clear to -jackknife- that it should not try to replay

[email protected]
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