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st: RE: star graphs

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: star graphs
Date   Fri, 2 Dec 2005 16:23:09 -0000

This has been asked several times, including within 
the last weeks, so a search of the archives may be fruitful. 

Here's my understanding of the situation: 

0. Star graphs remain there as always under -gr7, star-. 

1. Star graphs are programmable in Stata 8/9, but 
no one has done it yet. 

2. Scott Merryman has posted code with 
a radar/spider example that at least one other 
person found very useful as a template. This is for, as it were, 
superimposed stars, rather than a little galaxy of stars

3. One Stata user-programmer who has written various 
graphics commands, myself, feels that stars are
for the astronomers and recommends instead parallel coordinate
plots, implemented in -parplot-. 

[email protected] 

Jennifer Devine
> Stata 7 allowed star graphs, but Stata 8 does not seem to 
> allow this any 
> longer. Does anyone know how to reproduce these types of graph?

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