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st: xtabond2.mata: a bug?

From   Roberto <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: xtabond2.mata: a bug?
Date   Wed, 23 Nov 2005 18:05:36 +0000

Dear all, I very recently passed to Stata9 and therefore I was very hopeful in the "speed improvements" of the new code. Unfortunately at my first attempt I have encountered an error. I read from the email of David Roodman that, if we got a red message it would probably be a bug
this is what I receive:
xtabond2_mata(): 3900 unable to allocate real <tmp>[45984,843]
<istmt>: - function returned error

I am trying to estimate the following equation following the notation suggested to me by the author of the routine:
xtabond2 lev l.lev mtbv size1 mat1 collateral profitability ndts year1-year24, gmm(lev mtbv size1 mat1 collateral profitability ndts, lag (2 7) equation(diff)) gmm(lev mtbv size1 mat1 collateral profitability ndts, lag(2 2)) iv(year1-year24, equation(level)) robust noc small twostep h(2)

this is a brief summary of the dataset I am using:

year | Freq. Percent Cum.
1980 | 3 0.03 0.03
1981 | 6 0.06 0.10
1982 | 6 0.06 0.16
1983 | 6 0.06 0.22
1984 | 9 0.10 0.32
1985 | 16 0.17 0.49
1986 | 43 0.46 0.95
1987 | 75 0.80 1.74
1988 | 141 1.50 3.24
1989 | 196 2.08 5.32
1990 | 234 2.49 7.81
1991 | 508 5.40 13.20
1992 | 742 7.88 21.08
1993 | 802 8.52 29.60
1994 | 831 8.83 38.42
1995 | 845 8.97 47.40
1996 | 850 9.03 56.43
1997 | 828 8.79 65.22
1998 | 793 8.42 73.64
1999 | 693 7.36 81.00
2000 | 614 6.52 87.52
2001 | 569 6.04 93.56
2002 | 524 5.56 99.13
2003 | 82 0.87 100.00
Total | 9,416 100.00

Last, I have a Pentium 4 3.2Giga with 1 Giga RAM memory.
My Stata9 is fully updated and I am using the most recent version of xtabond2: 2.0.0 16Nov2005

I have searched in past Statalist for possible solutions to this issue but I had no luck.

Is this a "bug"?. Is there a solution to this issue?

Thank you in advance for your kind attention.
Best Regards

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