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st: RE: how to obtain a unique identifier from strings

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: how to obtain a unique identifier from strings
Date   Fri, 4 Nov 2005 15:34:24 -0000

Note in addition to other replies that 

. search identifier

would point to 

        3/01    How do I create individual identifiers numbered
                from 1 upwards?
[email protected] 

Teresio Poggio
> this may be an elementary question but I could not find a solution in
> Stata documentation and the list archives, so here I am...
> I'm working (Stata 9/SE) with a quite large dataset (>300.000 records)
> with observation on individuals. Each individual may be related to
> more than one record. The structure is as following:
> Teresio    0     1     0
> Mario      1     2     0
> Teresio    1     1    2
> ....
> I'ld like to convert a string variable "Name" into a unique numerical
> identifier and obtain something like this:
> 1            0     1     0
> 2            1     2     0
> 1            1     1    2
> ....
> Is there any way to do this job in Stata?
> I've tryed with the encode command, but Stata stopped because there
> are more than 65000 unique values (by the way: I don't care about
> labels ...).

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