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st: RE: counting types of diagnoses, and making a table of them, by student

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: counting types of diagnoses, and making a table of them, by student
Date   Tue, 20 Sep 2005 22:03:42 +0100

I think you can get there by doing 
a -preserve-, a -collapse-, a -list- 
and then a -restore-. Showing the 
variable labels is achieveable by 
putting them in characteristics and 
using -list, subvarname-. That is a bit 
much to do routinely, so here is a program 

* NJC 1.0.0 20 Sept 2005 
program ryanreport
	version 8
	// by() is required; the wildcard carries -list- 
	// options 
	syntax varlist [if] [in] , by(varname) [*] 

	marksample touse
	qui count if `touse' 
	if r(N) == 0 error 2000 
	qui keep if `touse' 

	local i = 1 
	foreach v of local varlist { 
		local label`i' `"`: variable label `v''"' 
		if `"`label`i''"' == "" local label`i' "`v'" 
		local ++i 

	collapse (sum) `varlist', by(`by') 
	local i = 1 	
	foreach v of local varlist { 
		char `v'[varname] `"`label`i''"' 
		local ++i 

	list `by' `varlist', noobs subvarname `options' 

The syntax for your example would then be something like 

ryanreport a97 r74 k86 r78, by(studentid) abbrev(12) 

[email protected] 

Christopher W. Ryan, MD 
> I run a family medicine clerkship for 3rd year medical 
> students.  As the 
> year goes by, I want to start classifying their patient 
> visits by ICPC-2 
> categories (International Classification of Primary Care.)  No doubt 
> some of you are familiar with it:  for example, K86 = 
> hypertension, R74 = a cold, etc.
> My department uses MS Access for this kind of data tracking, 
> and I can 
> get data from there into Stata via StatTransfer.
> I could create a database, one record for each visit, with a 
> field for 
> ICPC diagnosis code.  Trouble is, each visit could have 2, 3, or more 
> codes.  If I made 3-4 diagnosis fields, into which to enter the ICPC 
> codes, I don't know how I would tabulate them in Stata, to 
> determine how 
> many patients with K86 each student saw; sometimes a K86 
> might appear in 
> variable diagnosis1, other times in variable diagnosis2, etc.
> So I created a bunch of binary (yes/no) fields in the Access 
> database, 
> one for each of the most common ICPC codes.  Then in Stata, the 
> following (for example) works great:
> --tabstat a97 r74 k86 r78, by(studentid) statistics(sum) 
> columns(variables)--
> It gets me the following (excerpted):
> studentid	a97	r74	k86	r78
> 1780	0	0	0	0
> 1781	0	0	0	0
> 1782	0	0	0	0
> 5555	1	2	1	0
> Total	1	2	1	0
> My problem:  each variable has a variable label (for example, 
> a97 is "no 
> disease").  I would like the variable labels to appear at the tops of 
> the columns, rather than the variable names, and I can't 
> figure out how to do this.
> --desc a97-- confirms that the variable label is in place.
> I would appreciate any instructions on how to make the 
> variable labels 
> appear, or on my strategy in general.

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