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RE: st: Stata Journal

From   eca00 <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   RE: st: Stata Journal
Date   Tue, 26 Jul 2005 21:57:24 +0100

Dear Jeff,

The latex files are now working properly. Many thanks!!

Best wishes,


>===== Original Message From [email protected] =====
>Alfonso Miranda <[email protected]> is having trouble with the LaTeX
>files for the Stata Journal:
>> I downloaded and installed the latex files for Stata Journal. I am trying 
>> compile the files using MikTeX. However the following error is produced:
>> This is e-TeX, Version 3.141592-2.2 (MiKTeX 2.4)
>> (main.tex
>> LaTeX2e <2003/12/01>
>> Babel <v3.8a> and hyphenation patterns for english, french, german, 
>> sp
>> anish, dumylang, nohyphenation, loaded.
>> (sj.cls
>> Document Class: sj 2003/03/26 v1.19 Stata Journal document class
>> (C:\texmf\tex\latex\base\book.cls
>> Document Class: book 2004/02/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX document class
>> (C:\texmf\tex\latex\base\bk10.clo)) (C:\texmf\tex\latex\tools\calc.sty)
>> (C:\texmf\tex\latex\base\ifthen.sty) (C:\texmf\tex\latex\crop\crop.sty
>> (C:\texmf\tex\latex\graphics\color.sty
>> (C:\texmf\tex\latex\00miktex\color.cfg)
>> (C:\texmf\tex\latex\graphics\dvips.def)
>> (C:\texmf\tex\latex\graphics\dvipsnam.def))
>> (C:\texmf\tex\latex\graphics\graphics.sty
>> (C:\texmf\tex\latex\graphics\trig.sty
>> ) (C:\texmf\tex\latex\00miktex\graphics.cfg))
>> ! Package crop Error: Requested option `lettercenter' not provided.
>> See the crop package documentation for explanation.
>> Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
>>  ...
>> l.607 \AtBeginDocument
>>                       {\@nameuse{CROP@init@\CROP@driver}}
>> ? h
>> Note that the `*center' options are obsolete. You have to request
>> e.g. [a4,center] instead of [a4center].
>> ?
>> Can anybody help me on this?
>Alfonso seems to have an older version of the Stata Journal LaTeX files but 
>using the current release of MiKTeX.  The current version of -sjlatex- is
>	. which sjlatex
>	/home/jsp/ado/plus/s/sjlatex.ado
>	*! version 1.2.0 12nov2003
>If Alfonso has an older version, he should first get the current version of
>	. ado uninstall sjlatex
>	. net from
>	. net install sjlatex
>Then he can get the current release of the Stata Journal LaTeX files
>	. sjlatex install using myarticle
>and move the rest of his article files into the new directory 'myarticle' (on
>a Windows machine the above command will most likely put the files in
>c:\DATA\myarticle\ unless Alfonso has changed Stata's working directory using
>[email protected]
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