The xi: command should help with this. You can have
the same variable coding all three firms i.e firms
(0=low, 1=medium, 2=high), and then use the xi command
where stata will automatically generate dummy
variables for each of the 3 levels. The variable with
the lowest value (i,e, coded as '0') will be used as
the reference variable.
--- Katarina Sikavica <[email protected]>
> Hi Alice,
> hi all,
> I have the same problem.... in addition to the below
> question I would like
> to know whether and how I can generate a string
> variable out of say 3 or
> more dummy variables.
> cheers,
> Katy
> <alice_dobson@hot
> mail.com>
> An
> Gesendet von:
> [email protected]
> owner-statalist@h
> Kopie
> sphsun2.harvard.e
> du
> Thema
> st:
> Categorical variable
> 22.07.2005 14:34
> Bitte antworten
> an
> statalist@hsphsun
> 2.harvard.edu
> Dear All,
> I use stata 9 and have a very simple question.
> I have a categorical independent variable [Level of
> Investment] in an
> unbalanced panel of firms. All firms fall within the
> three categories: Low,
> Medium, and High investments. I code them as 1 or 0
> for each category,
> which
> are exclusive. If a firm has low level of investment
> then it canot have
> medium or high.
> My question is how do I explain to Stata that this
> is a categorical
> variable
> and which of the three should be the base dummy?
> Best,
> Alice.
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> for advice on how to
> get there!
> *
> * For searches and help try:
> *
> http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
> * http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
> * http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/
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